Prise murale antidéflagrante

Prise murale antidéflagrante
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Model:BQS-16
Spécialisé dans la recherche et le développement d’éclairage industriel, la production et la vente d’entreprises nationales de haute technologie
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet rated voltage.: AC220V
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Rated current: 16A
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet IP Code: IP65
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Explosion-proof mark: Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC

Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Scope of application:
✧Convient à l’environnement de poussière combustible 20, 21, 22;
Environnements explosifs dangereux tels que les installations;
◆ Plusieurs spécifications et styles sont disponibles.
Joint de tuyau antidéflagrant Caractéristiques
Fabriqué en acier au carbone ou en acier inoxydable de haute qualité;
✧Les spécifications de filetage peuvent être spécialement conçues en fonction des exigences de l’utilisateur, telles que les filetages NPT, les pouces et les filetages métriques non standard;
✧ Les joints de tuyauterie réducteur peuvent être fabriqués en fonction des besoins de l’utilisateur.
Joint de tuyauterie antidéflagrant Principaux paramètres techniques
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Spécifications d’entrée
Avis de commande conjointe de tuyaux antidéflagrants
2. La société prend en charge le traitement OEM, veuillez contacter le gestionnaire de compte pour les exigences spécifiques
Tuyau de raccordement flexible antidéflagrant
Colonne de fonctionnement antidéflagrante et anticorrosion
Serrure antidéflagrante
◆Suitable for combustible dust environment 20, 21, 22;
✧ Suitable for IIA, IB, IC class explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1-T6;
Explosive hazardous environment.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Features
Aluminum alloy die-casting is adopted, which has good corrosion resistance, heat transfer, high mechanical strength, sturdy and durable, and it is safer to use electricity in harsh environments;
✧Equipped with metal screws to fix the box body, high strength and corrosion resistance, it can cope with harsh environments and is convenient for long-term outdoor use;
The socket panel is made of nylon material, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality material is selected to effectively prolong the service life.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Main technical parameters
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Order Notice
Explosive hazardous environment.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Features
Aluminum alloy die-casting is adopted, which has good corrosion resistance, heat transfer, high mechanical strength, sturdy and durable, and it is safer to use electricity in harsh environments;
✧Equipped with metal screws to fix the box body, high strength and corrosion resistance, it can cope with harsh environments and is convenient for long-term outdoor use;
The socket panel is made of nylon material, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality material is selected to effectively prolong the service life.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Main technical parameters
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Order Notice
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Features
Aluminum alloy die-casting is adopted, which has good corrosion resistance, heat transfer, high mechanical strength, sturdy and durable, and it is safer to use electricity in harsh environments;
✧Equipped with metal screws to fix the box body, high strength and corrosion resistance, it can cope with harsh environments and is convenient for long-term outdoor use;
The socket panel is made of nylon material, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality material is selected to effectively prolong the service life.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Main technical parameters
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Order Notice
✧Equipped with metal screws to fix the box body, high strength and corrosion resistance, it can cope with harsh environments and is convenient for long-term outdoor use;
The socket panel is made of nylon material, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality material is selected to effectively prolong the service life.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Main technical parameters
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Order Notice
✧Equipped with metal screws to fix the box body, high strength and corrosion resistance, it can cope with harsh environments and is convenient for long-term outdoor use;
The socket panel is made of nylon material, the appearance is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality material is selected to effectively prolong the service life.
Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Main technical parameters
modèle BQS-16
Norme exécutive GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Marque antidéflagrante Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
tension nominale. AC220V
Courant nominal 10A,16A
Classe de protection IP65
Spécifications d’entrée G3/4

Explosion Proof Wall Outlet Order Notice
1. Lors de la commande, veuillez choisir un par un en fonction du modèle de produit.
2. La société prend en charge le traitement OEM, veuillez contacter le gestionnaire de compte pour les exigences spécifiques

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